There are a lot of great online shops where you can buy your event equipment. In our opinion, however, an online retailer doesn't quite understand what it's like to be the technical director in a church that absolutely needs a device on the weekends, otherwise the services become a disaster. Put simply, an online retailer doesn't know what it's like to be a production technician in a church.
We at campaign know it! The members of our team were once in their lives on a church production team. We know how a church's focus can affect the choice of tech gear. The product specialists from campaign have the experience and knowledge of how church production works. And if a solution requires a little more editing, our entire team is ready to step in to make sure your church is up and running. Audio, video and lighting systems for churches are a matter of course for us.

it's about die Church
We have campaign created to ultimately serve as a resource for the Church. We understand the need for churches of all sizes to have quality audio, video and lighting equipment so that technology does not interfere with the gospel message. And as much as we love working with large campus, multi-site churches, our hearts also go out to the local community.
DNA Based design
When we sit down with a church to discuss the technical design of their new church building, we avoid just talking about technology. It will be natural despite it might be an issue, but the most important thing for us is to find out the DNA of your church. How does your church community tick? We talk about things like worship style, church culture, different languages your congregation might speak, and anything else that contributes significantly to what makes your church YOUR church.
After understanding exactly how your church is doing, we begin the design process. We select equipment and accessories that complement your church's DNA and make your worship space a place where people feel connected.