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Bildschirmfoto 2020-06-29 um

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Is buying a new camera really the only way to improve my online worship or worship recordings? This is not always the most sensible way - we will help you! There is another way to get an improvement in this area. Since the most  already have a camera, want wir  do not replace them, but enhance their image.

Bildschirmfoto 2020-06-29 um


No camera can compensate for poor lighting, no matter how
This is sensitive to light.

The answer?
Not replacing the current camera setup, but investing in a good, professional one

In order to get a good enough image for shooting in a studio, multi-point lighting is best.


Tailored lighting of your recordings makes them stand out from those of the others. Your footage not only gains in quality, but also in attractiveness, focus and excitement.


Sure, most were initially forced by COVID-19 to purchase a camera to broadcast live services or pre-recorded sermons every Sunday. But did you also think about the lighting?

We want  to help you with this.



So if you want to improve your 'look' to give all viewers the best and most professional worship experience, we recommend checking out our complete recording package deals in different budget options.

Von guten auf Stativen verbauten Fresnels, für harte Ausleuchtungen, bis hin zu professionellen LED Panels, für weiche Ausleuchtungen, everything is there! Reduce the shadows on the faces, make your protagonist stand out against the background instead of being blurred into it. Bring a glow to their faces and make your online
Church more attractive than ever. 

Because the message from Jesus is the most attractive message worth streaming.


The best lights for hard studio lighting or for stage lighting

Discharge lamps Fresnels like the Arri 650  /  T1

or LED Fresnel like ELATION K6 or ARRI L5-C


Our vision is that the fire of your church burns even stronger through the professional and creative use of modern event technology.



We offer everyone a free initial consultation on the topics of equipment, streaming, studio recordings and installation. Use the opportunity  and write to us today!


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